Social service funding up for review

This week, we're highlighting a presentation on Tuesday at 1:00pm on Lexington's Extended Social Resource (ESR) program. The presentation will be made in the General Government & Social Services Committee by Commissioner Chris Ford.

Why is this important?

What does ESR look like this year?

  • In the FY21 budget, there was $2.1M reserved for the ESR program. This is down significantly from previous years' budgets - the past 5 years each included over $3M for the ESR program. The main reason for this decrease is due to the Hope Center - which received a $750k+ ESR allotment in years past - being transferred to its own line item.

  • While there was a decrease in funding this year, the number of agencies funded by ESR grants was constant this year, indicating that many organizations had their funding cut.

  • As in previous years, FY21's ESR grants were competitive and were awarded through the LFUCG's typical Request-for-Proposals/bid process. The applications were released in February and were awarded in August.

What does the city fund through ESR?

  • The FY21 ESR program focuses on the four areas mentioned above. Here is more detail on those categories:

  • Community Wellness & Safety Focus Area:

    • Local Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery 

    • Violence Prevention and Intervention 

    • Domestic Violence Prevention and Interpersonal Safety 

    • Mental Health Services, and Public Health Initiatives 

  • Childhood & Youth Development Focus Area:

    • Early learning opportunities for Pre–K & elementary students and their families 

  • Food Insecurity & Nutritional Access Focus Area:

    • Reducing the recurring and/or chronic episodes of food insecurity impacting local families

    • Increase access to affordable and nutritious foods in underserved neighborhoods

    • Nutrition-based feeding programs geared to serve vulnerable populations

  • Overnight Emergency Shelter 

    • Facilities with overnight sleeping accommodations. 

  • Organizations that have historically received significant funding (over $150k) from the ESR program include: 

    • Arbor Youth Services, Community Action Council, God's Pantry Food Bank, Greenhouse17, Salvation Army, and the University of Kentucky Research Foundation. 

  • The majority of grant awards are under $100k, and fund organizations like:

    • Carnegie Center for Literacy & Learning, Common Good, FoodChain, NAMI Lexington, Natalie's Sisters, and many more.

  • The city provides documentation for ESR awards for the past three years on its website. You can see FY20 awardees here, and FY18 & FY19 here.

What is the context?

Take Action:

Watch the presentation here.

Add the meeting to your calendar.

Weigh in by emailing council members here.


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