Civic Workshops
What are CivicLex’s Civic Workshops?
Our Civic Workshops are designed to help local residents learn about local government. While we host some ourselves, we can also bring our workshops to you Your nonprofit, business, association, faith groups, or wherever you are most comfortable!
Take a look at the suite of workshops and structure or make a request below.
Understanding Lexington’s city government
This beginner workshop is all about the who, what, and why of local government. We’ll help you understand how Lexington’s local government is structured, who is in charge of what, and how legislation gets made. The workshop includes an interactive activity to learn more about the people behind local government.
Length: 75 minutes
Lexington’s City Budget
City budgets are an expression of what a community values. This workshop is all about understanding how your tax dollars get to the city, and then how and what city government invests that money into. This workshops includes a mock budgeting process to help you understand the trade-offs and negotiations in the process.
Length: 75 minutes
Local Advocacy 101
Do you want to make change in local government? It may be easier than you think! This workshop will help you understand the best practices for advocating for an issue in local government. You’ll learn about the individuals and entities that make critical decisions, how to engage with them, and how to best shape your arguments.
Length: 75 minutes
Bring our workshops to you
If you are interested in bringing a CivicLex to your association, business, or even friend circle? Examine our fee structure and use the form below to request a workshop.
We bring the workshop, you host.
Your role: Provide the space and invite the people.
Our role: We provide the workshop.
Cost: Suggested donation of $50.
Our needs: A screen with HDMI input, seating for the number of people you expect.
We recommend that you provide food and drinks.
You bring the people, we host.
Your role: You bring the people.
Our role: We provide the space, workshop, and a welcoming environment.
Cost: Sliding scale fee $25 - 250 based on your ability.