Week of January 10, 2022

🔎 - Big topic this week: Council is Back in Session

After a long and restful winter break, the City Council is back in session! Due to the rise in COVID cases, council will be remote - so make sure to keep your LexTV link handy!

The big meeting to keep an eye on this week is Thursday's 3pm ARPA Committee of the Whole meeting. In this meeting, Council will likely hear from city administration on the feasibility and true costs of ARPA proposals that have been advanced to date. 

Need a quick refresher on the American Rescue Plan Act and its impacts in Lexington? Here you go:

  • ARPA, or the American Rescue Plan Act, passed in 2021, provides financial relief to counties, states, and other institutions all across America in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Lexington Fayette Urban County Government is receiving $120 million in ARPA funds.

  • ARPA funding must be allocated to the council’s chosen areas by December 31, 2024 and must be spent by December 31, 2026 at the latest.

  • We've kept track of the projects that the Council is considering for ARPA funds. You can see the approved projects in our database.

🏢 - This Week in City Hall: Summer Youth Job Training Program

Here's one thing happening this week in city hall - a presentation on the Summer Youth Job Training Program in the General Government & Social Services Committee. They'll meet on Tuesday, January 11, at 1 p.m. via Zoom.

The program was suspended in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 but the LFUCG is bringing it back for summer 2022.

What is the Summer Youth Job Training Program (SYJTP)?

The Lexington government teams up with community partners and the Fayette County Public School district to provide workforce skill training and career exploration for 300 rising 10th, 11th and 12th-grade high school students.

  • To gear up students for the workforce, this program focuses on developing skills such as punctuality, professionalism, work ethic and teamwork.

  • These student workers may work up to 20 hours a week for an hourly rate of $15. These wages are paid for by the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government. SYJTP lasts for six weeks from June 13 to July 22, 2022.

  • This meeting will also cover details for this summer’s program and expansion for fiscal year 2023 and 2024.

What does this expansion plan look like?

  • The committee will discuss a request for ARPA funding to extend the program into training sessions that run from September through December after fiscal year 2022.

  • These new sessions plan to train participating students on aptitude testing, financial literacy, soft skill training and navigation transportation.

Watch the meeting via Zoom at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, January 11 to learn more about this program through the committee presentation and discussion!

🏃 - Get Engaged: Getting ready for the midterm elections

Now that it’s 2022, local government elections are just around the corner!

On May 17, 2022, most Fayette County residents will have a chance to vote for local officials in the primary election, including in Council races and the Mayoral Race. Those who make it through the primary will compete in the general election on November 8, 2022!

CivicLex will have more robust election coverage as we get closer to the primaries. In the meantime, here are three quick steps that you can take right now to make sure you are ready to vote.

Step One: Check on your voter registration!

  • If you’ve moved or had any other major life events, you may need to update your voter registration.

  • Kentucky makes it easy to find your current registration. Head on over to the KY State Board of Elections website - all you’ll need to provide is your name, date of birth, and the last 4 digits of your social security number.

  • The deadline to change your voter registration for the primary is April 18, 2022, so make sure to check your registration soon!

Step Two: See if your Council District changed!

  • Lexington just underwent a significant redistricting process for the Urban County Council.

  • Through this process, 46 precincts moved into new districts, meaning that 50,000 Fayette County residents are now in a new district.

  • You may now have a new representative on council, and if you do, you will also be voting for new candidates in the primary election.

  • You can see what district you are in - and who your current CM is - by visiting the city’s website here.

Step Three: See who is running in your district!

  • Once you know what council district you are in, make sure to head over to our Who’s running for office? page on the CivicLex website to see who you can vote for.

  • Your current council member may not be running for reelection in 2022, and if they are, they may have some new opponents.

  • Don’t forget that you will also be able to vote for three Council at Large candidates and in the Mayoral race!

🗞 - Updates from Last Week

This is the first week back from Council’s winter break! We don’t have many updates for you since there were no meetings to cover last week. But, we do have some big updates on...

Who’s running for office?
Last week, the Kentucky legislature passed HB172, extending the filing deadline for Kentucky candidates from January 7 to January 25, 2022. So, we'll be at this for a couple more weeks.

Here’s are the new candidates for local office. Check our Who’s running for office? page on the CivicLex website for the full list of who is running.


  • Adrian Wallace, President & CEO of the Bishop and Chase Foundation, has left the race for Council at Large and filed to run for Mayor.

Council At-Large:

  • Former D5 Council Member Bill Farmer

  • Arnold Farr, a Philosophy Professor at UK

  • Matthew Miniard, a former candidate for Council At-Large

District CMs:

  • District 1: Tayna Fogle, Organizer at Kentuckians for the Commonwealth; Darnell Tagaloa, Business Development Manager at iHeart Radio, and Michael Wilson.

  • District 2: Current D2 CM Josh McCurn filed for reelection

  • District 4: Brack Marquette, former Director of Governmental Affairs at Columbia Gas

  • District 5: Greg Ladd, Owner of the Cross Gate Art Gallery

  • District 6: Christopher Shafer; Charles Rowland, Executive Advisor at Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

  • District 7: Current D7 CM Preston Worley

  • District 8: Current D8 CM Fred Brown; has filed for reelection; Kenya Williams, an Account Executive at Ethicon, Inc; Kathleen Kerns has also filed.

  • District 9: James Lombardi, a former Lexington Police Department Lieutenant

  • District 12: Raymond Alexander, a Lexington Police Department Officer

This Week in City Government

Monday, January 10th

Board of Adjustment Meeting
⏱ - 1:30pm on January 11th
📍 - Council Chambers, 200 E Main Street
📺 - No viewing option
🗣 - No input option


Tuesday, January 11th

General Government and Social Services Committee Meeting
⏱ - 1:00pm on January 11th
📍 - Virtual
📺 - Watch via LexTv
🗣 - Sign up for Public Comment

Council Work Session & Confirmation Hearing of Commissioner of Housing Advocacy and Community Development
⏱ - 3:00pm on January 11th
📍 - Virtual
📺 - Watch via LexTv
🗣 - Sign up for Public Comment


Wednesday, January 12th

No City Meetings!


Thursday, January 13th

Water Quality Fees Board
⏱ - 9:00am on January 13th
📍 - Tate Building, 125 Lisle Industrial Ave.
📺 - No viewing option
🗣 - No input option

Planning Commission Meetings - Subdivision Items
⏱ - 1:30pm on January 13th
📍 - Virtual
📺 - Watch via LexTV
🗣 - No input option

Special Committee of the Whole (COW) Meeting?
⏱ - 10:30am on January 13th
📍 - Government Center, 200 E Main Street
📺 - Watch via LexTV
🗣 - No input option


Friday, January 14th

No city meetings!


Week of January 17, 2022


Week of December 13, 2021