Give to CivicLex

Become a Member

CivicLex has a membership program because monthly, recurring donations help our organization be more financially sustainable. Since ALL of our programs, workshops, events, and local news coverage is free, we need gifts like Memberships to support the cost of producing them.

Our membership program also helps our supporters connect more deeply with what we do. As a member, you’ll get to know the people behind our programs through exclusive social and networking opportunities while helping CivicLex grow for years to come.

Civic Delegate
$10 per month

  • Civic Delegates receive access to exclusive networking opportunities throughout the year, mention on our website, a special button denoting your membership, and free admission to most paid CivicLex events.

  • Join Delegates like Robert Kahne, Krisia Rosa, and more. See our full list of Delegates below.

Civic Commissioner
$25 per month

  • Civic Commissioners receive a free piece of CivicLex swag annually, plus all Civic Delegate benefits.

  • Join Commissioners like Christopher Porter, Christine Fry, and more. See our full list of Commissioners below.

Civic Ambassador
$45 per month

  • Civic Ambassadors receive an annual swag bag from CivicLex, plus all Civic Commissioner benefits.

  • Join Ambassadors like Allison Lankford, Brandon Coan, and more. See our full list of Ambassadors below.

Civic Champion - $85 per month

Civic Champions receive the chance to meet throughout the year with CivicLex staff one-on-one and in small groups to gain insight into local government and civic life. Civic Champions also receive all Ambassador benefits.

Join Civic Champions like Joshua Douglas, Scott Shapiro, and more. See our full list of Champions below.

Interested in a Membership, but don’t want to give monthly? Reach out to CivicLex’s Director of Development, Noel Osborn at

Civic Defenders

Civic Defenders are donors who make very significant contributions to support CivicLex's work, generally over $5,000.00. We have a Civic Defenders program because major gifts like these help us take on new programs that aren’t grant-funded and they help us support our staff with competitive pay and benefits. Gifts made through this program help us enable residents across the city to take an active role in shaping the future of our community.

To inquire about becoming a Civic Defender, please contact Noel Osborn, Director of Development at

Make a one-time gift

One-time donations to CivicLex help us implement special programs to build a stronger and healthier civic life right here in Lexington. Make a gift using the button below.

CivicLex’s 2024 Members & Supporters

Civic Defenders

Anne Kenan, Martin Rivers, Art Shechet & Marilyn Robie, Dan & Wendy Rowland

Civic Champions

David Blake, Coy Flowers, Melody Flowers, Debra Hensley, Abigale Piper, Beate Popkin, Scott Shapiro, Louis Smith, Lakshmi Sriraman, Alysa Villelli

Civic Ambassadors

Brandon Coan, Casandra Hockenberry, Hollingshead Family Charitable Giving Fund, Anne Kenan, Allison Lankford, Carly Muetterties, Jordan Parker, Dominic Pealer, Christopher Sikes, Liz Sheehan, Amelia Sweetall

Civic Commissioners

Mary Arthur, Adam Barnes, David Baumgartner, Andrew Brennen, Greg Butler, Mary and Rutherford Campbell, Laura Cole, Christopher Cooper, Michael Cronk, Cory Curl, Zachary Dembo, Anne Donworth, Joshua Douglas, Elizabeth Elkinson, Walt Gaffield, Noa Gimelli, Blake Hall, Georgia Henkel, Kelly Hieronymus, Sara Isaacs, Leatha Kendrick, David Kloiber, David Lowe, Heather Lyons, Jacob Murgo, Kathy Plomin, Devin Pohl, Christopher Porter, Mark Turner, Griffin VanMeter, Matthew Wilson, Stacey Wiseman, Timothy Wiseman, Michelle Young

Civic Delegates

Mariam Addarrat, Yajaria Aich West, Mary Bruce Alford, Noland Aull, Darryl Baker, Rachel Belin, Anne Bishop, Hilary Boone, Leah Bourne, Ivy Brasher, Adrian Bryant, Wesley Bullock, Samantha Castro, Michelle Clouse, Ashlee Collins, Daniel Cooper, Allison Crawford, John Cirigliano, Markus Cross, Audryte Cryder, Emma Curtis, Aaron Davis, Jerry Davis, Daniela DiDiacomo, Alex Dixon, Susan Douglas, Alison Dunn, Ashleigh Dunsmoor, Tom Eblen, Barbara Ellerbook, Chuck Ellinger, Alegra Feldman, The Fitzpatrick Charitable Fund, Beverly Fortune, Rebekah Frazier, Christine Fry, Valerie Friedmann & Tim Sundell, Deborah Gerth, Matthew Gidcomb, Beth Goldstein, Jill Gookin, Olivia Grigsby, Mindy Haas, Paige Halpin Smith, Jeanette Hart, Hope Harvey, Robert Hatton, Nell Hellebusch, Jonathan Hemby, Lauren Higdon, Susan Hill, Kathleen Howard, D'lorah Hughes, Sophia Hurt, Melinda Johnson, Carol Jordan, Robert Kahne, Laura Kelly, Bradley Kruse-Diehr, Jane Landon, Dean Langdon, Rachel Laudan, Carl Leonard, Linda Leppig, Tresine Logsdon, David Lowe, Emily Marks, Brack Marquette, Casey Mather, Juliana McDonald, Layne McDuffie, Martin McMahon, David Miller, Jennifer Miller, Lisa M. Miller, Wallis Miller, Katherine Mitchum, Adam Moore, Christian Motley, Thomas Neill, Dominic Pealer, Amy Pemberton, Hunter Porter, Jennifer Reynolds, Carol Riker, Jillian Riseman, Brittany Roethemeier, Krisia Rosa, Issac Rowe, Reva Russell English, Kaitlin Saier, Hailey Salyers, Lisa Satin, Kate Savage, Suzanne Scheff, Jason Schubert, Erik Schwartz, Jane Shropshire, Michelle Sizemore, Zachary Skubiz, James Southard, Denotra Spruill-Gunther, Christine Stanley, Colleen Steele, Barbara Sutherland, Dan Thatcher, LaTanya Torp, Laurent Vesely, Henry Walther, Amy Wilson

2025 One-Time Donors & Recurring Gifts Under $10

Catherine Clement, Margaret Enlow, Ashley Hanson, Karyn Hinkle, Charles Howard, Sean Gladding, Quinn Mulholland, Sharon Murphy, Davonna Saier, Saved by Fate, Gale Reece, Janet Visick

2024 One-Time Donors & Recurring Gifts Under $10

Ahava Center for Spiritual Living, Lisa Adkins, Meg Adkins, Nicole Aghaaliandastjerdi, Robert J Allen II, Don Ament, Clifton Anderson, Emma Anderson, Doelan Anderson, Kit Anderson, Arin Arnold-Davis, Mary Aycock, Heather Ayer, Robert Babbage, Rachel Barber, William Bartley, Rachel Belin, Price Bell, Mary Benedicta Cipolla, Simone Boes, Anne Bowersox, Jennie Boyd, Harrel Bramley, Amanda Brown, Clayton Brown, Lacey Buck, Rachel Burr, Greg Butler, Dennis Capps, Tawnya Capps, Claire Carpenter, Michael Childress, Saundra Clark, Matthew Clarke, Amy Clay, Catherine Clement, Naomi Clewett, S. Brandon Coan, Julianne Coleman, Erick Collings, Ashlee Collins, Christopher Cooper, Daniel Cooper, Elizabeth Corsun, Victoria Cruz-Falk, Jo Davis, Leslie Davis, Molly Davis, Stephen JB Davis, Amie Deckard, Gareth Dehner, Elaine Diaz, Anne Donworth, Dornbusch Giving Fund, Patricia Draus, Ashleigh Dunsmoor, Bonnie Eads, Chris Eddie, Allison Ellenberger, Holly Ellingson, Anthony Elson, Margret Enlow, Jana Faith, Alegra Feldman, Lisa Filder Fryman, Robert and Suzanne Franklin, Anna Fransen, Jeffery Freyman, Michael Fryer, Walt Gaffield, Daniela Gamez Salgado, Philip George, Matthew Gidcomb, Ken Gish, Will Glasscock, Jessica Goodpaster, Grace Goulson, Gina Greathouse, Kim Green, Brett Gregory, James Guthrie, Clayton Hable, Beth Hall, Tammy Hammond-Natof, Ashley Hanson, Gary Hansen, Paige Harlow, David Harris, Mollie Harris, Laura Hartke, Standford Harvey, Phyllis Hasbrouck, Georgia Henkel, Aiden Hennen, Raymond Hill, Karyn Hinkle, Melissa Hockenberry, Michelle Hollingshead, Charles Howard, Sienna Hopper, Dexter Horne, Holly Hughes, Mary Hughes, Ryan Hughes, Jay Ingle, Henry Jackson, Sarah Jefferson, Alexandria Johns, Elizabeth Jones, Allison Kaiser, Romana Kalova, Kurt Kessler, Miriam Kienle, Hallie Kircher-Henning, Adam Knecht, Kam Kravetz, Brad Kruse-Diehr, Chloe Ladd, Teresa Lajara, Dean Langdon, Allison Lankford, Elizabeth Lewis, David Link, Amber Litwiller, Jordan Lloyd, Kathy Loeb, Ayna Lorenzo, Machara Klemper Fund, Jared Marcotte, Bridget Marquis, Erin Masterson, Casey Mather, Martin McMahon, Andy Mead, Philip and Janice Meyer, Herb Miller, Marcie Miller, Tyler Miller, Connie Milligan, Elizabeth Mitchell, Katherine Mitchum, Stephanie Mobley, Ryan Montgomery, Lena Muldoon, Quinn Mulholland, Sharon Murphy, Brandi Nicholson, Garcia Obrien, Deanna Osborn, John O’Shea, Rachel Norton, Diane Parrish, Amanda Penticuff, Nikita Perumal, Elaine Pesto, Van Meter Pettit, Janey Pike, Elizabeth Pohl, Charles Porter, Nicole Porter, David Powell, Lindsey Quijano, Ondine Quinn, Brooke Raby, Mary Quinn Ramer, Rachel Ray, Toni Reiss, Jennifer Reynolds, Martin Rivers, Rona Roberts, Travis Robinson, Carol Rogers, Courtney Rogers, Kelly Roman, Clay Rouse, Mark Royse, David Saier, Kait Saier, Donald SalAmn, Garrett Salzman, Salvador Sanchez, Catherine Savage, Priya Sazawal Koul, Elizabeth Schein, Richard Schein, William Schein, Jason Schubert, Sara Schuenemann, FH Schultz, Dave and Paula Sevigny, Scott Shapiro, Mayah Showmaker, Jane Shropshire, Joanne Sigler, Anthony Silberfeld, Kayla Simpson, Michelle Sizemore, Alex Smith, Geri Smith, Diane Snow, Olivia Spradlin, Amy Sohner, Christine & Justin Stanley, Matthew Steele, SB Stroh, Carrie Thomas, Mark Turner, Jaqueline Van Willigen, Dellann Vickers, John Walker, Fred Wartell, Ken Wartell, Caroline Watts, Lawrence Weathers, Rebecca Werk, Corey Williams, Jane Williams, Angene Wilson, John Wilson, Derek Wingfield, Rena Wiseman, Danny Woolumns, Judy Worth, Elizabeth Young, Julie Young, Michelle Young, Rita Zirnheld Anderson

2023 One-Time Donors & Recurring Gifts Under $10

Casey Adams, Lisa Adkins, Jen Algire, Robert Allen II, Bill Alverson, Emma Anderson, Arin Arnold-Davis, Nancy Barnett, Kelly and Alen Bartley, Theresa Bautista, Anne Baxter, Rachel Belin, Price Bell, Sydney Blodgett, Gisele Bortolaz Guedes, Anne Bowersox, Carolyn Bratt, Liz Brown Evans, Eileen Burk, Roberta Burnes, Dennis Capps, Robert Carroll, Diane Cashen, Michael Childress, Bene Cipolla, Matthew Clarke, Catherine Clement, Brandon Coen, Hannah Conover, Sara Constantine, Christopher Cooper, Colette Crown, Halee Cunningham, Natalie Cunningham, Jerry Davis, Jo Davis, Leslie Davis, Molly Davis, Alice Dehner, Gary Detraz, Anne Donworth, Joshua Douglas, Patty Draus, Tom Eblen, David Elbon, Barbara Ellerbrook, Pace Cooke Emmons, Joshua England, Gareth Dehner, Raphael Finkel, Abigail Fletcher, Matthew Fluharty, Tayna Fogle, William Fortune, Anna Fransen, Linda Froehlich, Jefferey Freyman, Merrit Fowler, Alexander Garcia, Sarah Gardner, Katherine Garrett, Will Glasscock, Jessica Goodpaster, Grace Goulson, Kim Green, Ronald Gulla, John and Carolyn Hackworth, Ashley Hanson, Patricia Hendrickson, Georgia Henkel, Aidan Hennen, Karyn Hinkle, Melissa Hockenberry, Roman Hockenberry, Michelle Hollingshead, Charles Howard, Drew Howard, Leighton Hudson, Mary Hughes, Irene Hui, Carol and Ben Hustedde, Jay Ingle, Henry and Patricia Jackson, Sarah Jefferson, Mason Kalinsky, Ann Katherine, Wendi Keene, Leatha Kendrick, Kurt Kessler, Beth Ann Kovacs, Kyle Kutuchief, Kaiti Kyle, Jordan Lloyd, Erik Jarvis, Kara Jarzynski, Beth Jones, Susan Jordison, Adam Klier, Benji Gering, Sean Gladding, Colin Goggin, Danielle Goulding, Dean Langdon, Ira Langdon, Barbara Langley, David Lowe, Jared Marcotte, David Mastin, Mary Mayrose, Victoria and Alphonse Meyer, Casey Michalovic, Kinsey Morrison, Lena Muldoon, Quinn Mulholland, Sharon Murphy, Rachel Norton, Emily Nugent, Deanna Osborn, Noel Osborn, Diane Parrish, Jenny Peel, Amanda Penticuff, Noble Pettit, Raj Persaud, Diane Pilati, Nikita Perumal, Mayah Plucinski, Clive Pohl, Graham Pohl, Brooke Raby, Mary Quinn Ramer, Beau Revlett, Rona Roberts, Susannah Roitman, Kelly Roman, Jean Sabharwal, Art Salomon, Garrett Salzman, Catherine Savage, Rich Schein, Dave & Paula Sevigny, Caleb Shaffer, Scott Shapiro, Lauren Sherrow, Erin Shina, Jane Shropshire, Joanne Sigler, Kathryn Simon, Amy Sohner, Margaret Somsel, Christine Stanley, Matthew Steele, Katherine Stephens, Mark Swanson, Fran Taylor, Liliana Terziyska-Kuvlieva, Kristen Tidwell, Mark Turner, Kristina Trujillo, Griffin VanMeter, Laurent Vesely, DA Vickers, Blake Vogt, Linda Waller, Kim Walters-Parker, Fred Wartall, Ken Wartell, Tawnya Wartell, John West, Cassidy White, Shantel White, Kaitlin Willbanks, Jane Williams, Alec Wilson, Derek Wingfield, Judy Worth, Sarah Yarmuth, Julia Young, Richard Young

To see all of CivicLex’s past donors, grantors, and finances, please go to our Finances page.