What is Lexington's Comprehensive Plan?

Quick Summary

  • Lexington's Comprehensive Plan is the central planning document that governs how Lexington grows and changes over time.

  • It is updated every 4-5 years by the City's Division of Planning with citizen input, and then adopted by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council.

  • Comprehensive Plans are required by state law. Kentucky state law states that “the planning commission must prepare a comprehensive plan, ‘which shall serve as a guide for public and private actions and decisions to assure the development of public and private property in the most appropriate relationships.'" (KRS 100.183)

Why does this matter?

  • The Comprehensive Plan is the main reference point for almost all decisions that the city makes about its long-term growth. This includes things like road placement, economic development incentives, and zoning changes. The Comprehensive Plan directly impacts what your neighborhood looks like, how the roads you ride on are laid out, and what you personally experience throughout the city.

  • The Goals and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are given higher priority than the opinion of council members or the Mayor's Office when making decisions about Lexington's growth.

  • Since the plan is updated every 4-5 years, citizen input is essential during the planning periods. This input shows planners Lexington residents' priorities and more democratically designs our community.

What is the context?

  • The Comprehensive Plan consists of two parts: the Goals and Objectives, and the Elements & Implementation. You can think of these as:

    • Goals and Objectives = What does it do?

    • Elements & Implementation = How does it happen?

  • Lexington last updated its Goals & Objectives section in 2017, through a process that was called Imagine Lexington. This was the first time the plan created a collaborative citizen input process that was part of a city-wide conversation called On The Table.

  • The city is currently updating the Elements & Implementation section.

How do I get involved?

  1. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about what you want your community to look like.

  2. Get in touch with your Council Member. You can find out who that is here.

  3. Attend your Neighborhood Association meeting. If you don't know what yours is, your Council Member should be able to tell you.

  4. Interact with Imagine Lexington on Facebook, Twitter, or email.

  5. Reach out to the staff in charge–Chris Woodall (cwoodall@lexingtonky.gov; 859.258.3231)

  6. Keep an eye on our Get Involved section for city events you can attend.


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