Percent for Art Fund Resolution Update

LFUCG Director of Arts and Cultural Affairs Heather Lyons presented clarifications on the Percent for Art Fund Resolution at the General Government and Social Services (GGSS) Committee meeting.

In June, CM Fred Brown asked to move the resolution to the GGSS Committee to clarify a few things: (1) From which type of Capital Funds is the 1% derived? (2) What will be the Percent For Art fund process, and how will it ensure transparency?

Here are the clarifications for exactly where the 1% is derived:

  • The Percent for Art program receives funding from all Capital Funds, including paving, government vehicles, etc.

  • For the FY23 Bond, three projects make up 60% of the total bond issuance: The Detention Center Roof, Paving, and Fire Vehicle Purchases.

  • Funds need to be spent within three years.

Clarifications for transparency:

  • The Public Art Commission will present an annual work plan to Council with their priorities, budget, and potential locations for art.

  • They will also present all contractual and financial commitments of every project for council approval.

  • Livestream every Public Art Commission Meeting.

  • Publicly announce project applications and calls for entry and collaborate with residents and stakeholders.

Councilmembers Fred Brown, Amanda Bledsoe, and Richard Moloney expressed frustration at the program, stating that they had a different impression of the allocations of the Percent For Art program when the Council unanimously approved it in 2018. The disagreement focused on whether the Percent for Art program applied to all of the city’s bonding each year, or just capital construction and building projects. Director Lyons said that limiting the one percent to just capital construction projects would severely limit the program’s effectiveness. Councilmembers LeGris, Reynolds, and James Brown expressed support for the program as it was approved and don’t support changes at this time.

The GGSS Committee will resume discussing the program at either a special October or November GGSS.

Disclosure: CivicLex’s Executive Director, Richard Young, is a member of the Public Art Commission, which oversees the Percent for Art program.


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