Redistricting Workgroup Report

In Tuesday’s General Government and Social Services (GGSS) Committee meeting, the Redistricting Workgroup will present their recommendations for how to modify Lexington’s redistricting process.

Here are some of the Workgroup’s big (recommended) changes:

  • Appointees who serve on the Redistricting Committee (the body of members, appointed by Council, that draws the new maps every ten years) must agree to not run for District Council in the next five years after their appointment.

  • Adjusting language so that major arterial roads and other corridors should be considered as boundaries for districts — this is a change from previous rules stating that certain corridors must be boundaries for districts.

  • Removing the previously existing rule that Councils should not be removed from their districts as new maps are drawn.

  • Removing the rule the existing neighborhood associations should not be split into different districts.

You can look at the full list of recommendations in the meeting packet here. These recommendations are subject to approval from the GGSS Committee and the full Council.

In 2021 we spent a lot of time covering the Redistricting process in Lexington. We still have all of that content on our Redistricting Hub if you need a refresher!

The GGSS Committee meeting will be Thursday, October 27th at 10am in Council Chambers. You can also watch live on LexTV.

Adrian Paul Bryant

Adrian Paul Bryant is CivicLex’s Civic Information Specialist, reporting on City Hall meetings and local issues that affect Lexingtonians every day. Raised in Jackson County, Adrian is a lifelong Kentuckian who is now proud to call Lexington home.


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