Share your thoughts on Lexington’s transportation planning process
The renewal of Lexington’s Federal Certification Review went well and the Lexington Area MPO heard a summary of their findings at their meeting last week. They also discussed the federal Safe Streets for All grant that Lexington is applying for to fund the Imagine New Circle Road project.
The Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is renewing its federal certification. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will be in the Lexington area to conduct a Federal Certification Review of the MPO's transportation planning process. An important part of their review is connecting with the community - including local policymakers, committee members, and regional transportation providers - but the general public is also encouraged to connect and share their input.
The Federal Review team will be hosting an online listening session on Friday, June 23. A second listening session will be held Tuesday, June 26. Follow this link to join the Zoom Call!