Updates on Street Trees Programs and Ordinance Changes
Map Lexington tree canopy by census track. Source: Lexington, KY Urban Tree Canopy Assessment.
Also in Tuesday’s Environmental Quality and Public Works (EQPW) Committee meeting, Urban Forestry Manager Heather Wilson will present an update on street tree programs in Lexington, and proposed ordinance changes relating to street trees.
The presentation will provide an overview of the Hazardous Street Tree Cost Share program which provides financial assistance to Lexington residents who remove and replace a hazardous tree, and the Street Tree Pruning Program which provides pruning services for street trees.
There will also be proposed changes to regulations around street trees for Committee members to consider, including:
Changes to fine structures for property owners with trees out of compliance
Amending required distance and spacing requirements for trees in various settings
Makes Environmental Services the enforcing agent of street tree regulations.
You can review the presentation starting on page 18 of this packet.
The Environmental Quality and Public Works Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 30th at 3pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in-person or watch live on LexTV.