Proposed changes to zoning language return

In Tuesday, February 14th’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee meeting, The Division of Planning returned to discuss their proposal to update the Zoning Code's Intent Statements.

Chris Woodall and Hal Baillie of the Division of Planning presented in January’s GGP Committee meeting on a plan to change the intent statements that precede zones in Lexington's Zoning Code. You can read about their proposal here.

Committee members were concerned about some of the changes, citing fears from constituents that the proposals could inadvertendly change the uses permitted within zones. Woodall and Baillie assured the Committee this would not happen, but agreed to return this week to address those concerns in more detail. You can view their presentation slides starting on page four of this packet.

The GGP Committee ultimately voted to approve Zoning Intent Statements. They were reported out of the committee and heard at Council Work Session later that day. This item also received its first reading at the Council Meeting on Thursday February 16th.


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