Zoning - What is the process and how can you participate?

Division of Planning staff met with Councilmembers to go over the process of zone changes or map amendment requests and explain the Urban County Council’s role in this process.

During the workshop, Planning staff reviewed the rules and ordinances that surround zone changes, including definitions, timelines, and the role that Council has in approving or disapproving a zone change.

Since Council went through this training, and there are no major Council meetings this week for our newsletter, we thought we'd walk you through that presentation as well!

What's a Zone Change?
A zone change is a way to regulate the way that land is used in the city and must be initiated by the Planning Commission, the Urban County Council, or the property owner themself. “Zones” are labels given to a parcel of land that determine exactly what can be done on that parcel. You might want to initiate a zone change if:

  • Current land use does not meet your proposed or desired land usef

  • Current land use is non-conforming and the owner/operator would like to expand the use

How do Zone Changes work?
When a zone change application is filed, it is reviewed by Planning staff, who make a recommendation for approval or disapproval to the Planning Commission Zoning Subcommittee. The Subcommittee votes for approval or disapproval, and vote then that vote is sent forward to the full Planning Commission. Lastly, the matter is taken to the Urban County Council.

An ordinance requires the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing for every zone change request, but applicants, developers, or citizens often request Council to hold additional hearings. Once the Planning Commission approves a zone change request, Council has 90 days to take action, and any additional public hearing has to be done within the 90 days.

Upcoming Zone Change Public Hearings
Council has two public hearings coming up after their spring break that Lexington residents can attend and comment on the zone changes that are on the agenda. The hearings will be on Tuesday, April 18th at 5pm for a zone change on Versailles Road, and another for a zone change on Athens Boonsboro Road on Tuesday, April 25th at 5pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in person or watch live on LexTV.


Public Input Subcommittee Meeting


Council considers proposed changes to Lexington’s Affordable Housing Fund