Week of May 16, 2022

Thank you for the Kentucky Gives Day Donations!

On Kentucky Gives Day last week, we received $2,390 from 36 donors. Thank you to everyone who was able to donate to CivicLex! We appreciate you all and hope you continue to benefit from our CivicLex Weekly, LexVote and the rest of our civic education programming!

๐Ÿ”Ž - This week in City Hall: Council Break!

Council is taking a break this week! Council will not be holding any meetings this week, from May 17 to May 20. Meetings will resume on Monday, May 22. Next week, we'll be back to let you know what meetings to look out for!

๐Ÿƒ - Get Engaged

Go Vote!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 17, is voting day! The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot has passed, so show up in person to cast your vote.

If you're unsure where to vote or which candidates you're able to vote for, head over to the Fayette County Clerk's website.

LexVote has all the essentials for learning about local primary candidates, including surveys and forums.

WKYT and the League of Women Voters have also published their Lexington Mayoral Debate. You can find that on WKYT.

Happy Voting!

๐Ÿ—ž - Updates from Last Week: Redistricting Review

General Government and Social Services Committee Meeting

D10 CM Amanda Bledsoe and LFUCG Research Analyst Jennifer Sutton presented a redistricting review on Tuesday, May 10, at the General Government and Social Services Committee meeting. Our last newsletter had a summary of this presentation packet- read that for context on the presentation's research and suggestion.

  • In the council's questions for Sutton, a significant theme was ensuring that information from 2011 and 2021 is saved for future redistricting processes. Guidelines were developed by the redistricting committee in 2010. Though these will be kept for the redistricting committee, these guidelines can be amended.

  • Sutton said she had access to a G-drive with notes, public input suggestions, and other resources from 2011's redistricting process. One council member said there needs to be a handbook for the redistricting committee.

  • Council discussed making a webpage accessible for residents to better understand the redistricting process.

Council members did not vote for a council-based workgroup but did support the idea.

Corrections from Last Week's Newsletter

  • $2,500,000 - Arts & Culture Master Plan Implementation Items

    • Last week, we stated that CM Kathy Plomin asked for $5M for her Arts & Culture Master Plan. This is incorrect. Her request was $2,500,000

๐Ÿข - This Week in City Government

Monday, May 16

No meetings


Tuesday, May 17

No meetings


Wednesday, May 18

No meetings


Thursday, May 19

Corridors Commission
โฑ - 12 pm on May 19
๐Ÿ“ - 5th Floor Conference Room, Government Center โ€” 200 E Main St.
๐Ÿ“บ - LexTV
๐Ÿ—ฃ - No public input


Friday, May 20

No meetings


Week of May 23, 2022


Week of May 9, 2022