The CivicLex Weekly
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The Weekly is a free guide to what’s going on in Lexington’s city hall that’s sent out every Monday at 8am. It usually takes less than 10 minutes to read. Did we mention it’s free?
Past Coverage in the CivicLex Weekly
On Tuesday, the Environmental Quality and Public Works (EQPW) Committee will hear an update on the odor control program from Charles Martin, Director of the Division of Water Quality.
In Tuesday’s Environmental Quality and Public Works (EQPW) Committee, Traffic Engineer Manager Roger Mulvaney will present an overview of the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP).
In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, Long Range Planner Eve Miller will present an overview of the upcoming Blue Sky Small Area Plan.
This Tuesday, the General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee will hear an update from Tiffany Michelle Brown on A Sense of Place, a nonprofit working to preserve and honor Lexington’s rural Black hamlets.
The Council and the Mayor’s Administration have shared their priorities for programs to support in the upcoming budget!
In last Tuesday’s Council Work Session, Council heard an update from Director Devine Carama on ONE Lexington, an initiative of the Mayor’s Office that aims to reduce gun violence in Lexington among youth aged 10-29. You can read more about the presentation materials here.
Last Thursday, Council held its Budget Retreat to discuss their priorities for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2026 Budget.
In last Thursday’s Council Meeting, Councilmembers heard an update from Nancy Albright, Commissioner of Environmental Quality and Public Works (EQPW), on Lexington’s snow plan after the severe snow and ice storms that hit Lexington in early January.
In Tuesday’s Social Services and Public Safety (SSPS) Committee, Council will hear a presentation on Partners for Youth from Executive Director Shanreka Shackelford.
Partners For Youth aims to promote positive youth development and prevent juvenile delinquency through college scholarships, grants for organizations that work with youth, youth development programs, and community collaborations.
In Tuesday’s Social Services and Public Safety (SSPS) Committee, Council will hear an update on the Family Care Center from the Director of Family Services, Sheila Horton-Holt.
In Tuesday’s Council, Work Session, Councilmembers will hear an update from ONE Lexington, an initiative of the Mayor’s Office that aims to reduce gun violence in Lexington among youth aged 10-29.
Council will be holding their annual Council Budget Retreat this Thursday! The Council Budget retreat is an opportunity for Councilmembers to share their individual priorities for the next LFUCG Budget and develop their priorities as a body.
The new STREEET Safety Task Force will hold their first meeting this Thursday.
Also in Tuesday’s GGP Committee meeting, Hal Baillie of the Division of Planning will give a presentation on the City’s upcoming work in developing a new process for how to expand the USB in the future.
In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, Traci Wade of the Division of Planning will present an overview of how 2024’s House Bill 443 will affect Lexington’s process for approving development plans.
On Tuesday, January 13th, three Council Committees will vote on who their Chairs and Vice Chairs will be for the next Council term. The Chair of a Committee facilitates Committee meetings and sets meeting agendas. The Vice Chair serves in place of the Chair if the Chair is absent from a meeting.
In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee meeting, Sam Castro of TSW Consulting will present an update on the recently adopted Urban Growth Master Plan (UGMP), which sets a vision and regulatory policy for how the expansion areas of the Urban Service Boundary (USB) should be developed.
Last week, Council chose not to take any action on a zone change request that would allow a 210-unit student housing complex to be built on South Limestone in the Pralltown neighborhood.
Council has officially approved a change to the public comment period for formal Council Meetings.