Work to begin on Master Plan for Blue Sky industrial area
A map of the current zoning in the Blue Sky area. Source: GGP Committee packet.
In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, Long Range Planner Eve Miller will present an overview of the upcoming Blue Sky Small Area Plan.
Blue Sky is an industrial area near the intersection of I-75 and Athens-Boonesboro Road that was incorporated into the Urban Service Boundary (USB) expansion passed by Council in 2023.
Blue Sky differs from the other areas included in the expansion because it is already developed as an industrial park, while the other areas are largely undeveloped.
Blue Sky was added to the Urban Service Boundary expansion because it has existing stormwater and sewer infrastructure in place that could serve future developments.
Stormwater and sewer installation are one of the largest costs associated with expansion of the Urban Service Boundary and subsequent development.
Future plans for the Blue Sky area were not part of the Urban Growth Master Plan, the guiding plan for the USB expansion because it will need to be planned for in a vastly different way than the undeveloped areas included in the Plan.
Now that the Urban Growth Master Plan has been adopted, Planning Staff will begin working on a Small Area Master Plan that will plan for future redevelopment in the Blue Sky area.
The City will hire a consultant in late February to help them work on the Blue Sky Area Plan. The team will work on the plan through the Spring of 2026.
You can view the presentation slides starting on page five of this packet.
The General Government and Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 4th at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in-person or watch live on LexTV.