Adrian Paul Bryant Adrian Paul Bryant

Urban Growth Master Plan Update in Committee

In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, the Division of Planning will present an update on the Urban Growth Master Plan, which will outline a vision for the recommended expansion areas of the Urban Service Boundary (USB).

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Adrian Paul Bryant Adrian Paul Bryant

The Urban Service Boundary Expansion Plan is Underway

In February 13th’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, Councilmembers heard an update on the Urban Growth Plan, which will lay out a vision for development in the new expansion areas of the Urban Service Boundary (USB).

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Jillian Riseman Jillian Riseman

Exactions Program Update

During the last Urban Service Boundary expansion in 1996, Lexington created an exaction program requiring developers to pay a fee for the parcel they were developing in the expansion area, offsetting the cost to local government.

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Jillian Riseman Jillian Riseman

Urban Service Boundary Draft Expansion Map Released

At September 19th’s meeting, the Urban Growth Management (UGM) Advisory Committee finalized a draft Urban Service Boundary expansion map based on what they heard from the community at their public input session.

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Jillian Riseman Jillian Riseman

Urban Service Boundary Expansion Planning Continues

At last week’s Urban Growth Management Plan Advisory Committee meeting, Planning Staff presented the group with 15 sections of land in the Rural Service Area (RSA) to be considered for expansion of the Urban Service Boundary (USB).

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Jillian Riseman Jillian Riseman

Council moves to expand Urban Service Boundary

At the final Committee of the Whole (COW) on the “Imagine Lexington 2045” Comprehensive Plan Goals & Objectives, Council voted to expand the Urban Service Boundary (USB), which restricts development of Fayette County’s rural land.

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