Urban Growth Master Plan Update in Committee
Recommended area for the expansion of the Urban Service Boundary.
In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, the Division of Planning will present an update on the Urban Growth Master Plan, which will outline a vision for the recommended expansion areas of the Urban Service Boundary (USB).
There are no slides in the GGP Committee packet, but during last week’s Open Design Workshops and Urban Growth Fest, TSW and other consultants working on the plan released their concepts for what development in each recommended expansion area could look like. LexTV recorded the presentation of these concepts, and you can watch that recording here.
The General Government and Planning Committee will meet Tuesday, May 7th at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in-person or watch live on LexTV.
CivicLex is working as a contractor for TSW to gather public engagement for the Urban Growth Plan.