Community Corrections operations review

Tuesday at the Social Services & Public Safety (SSPS) Committee meeting, Council heard a presentation from Division of Community Corrections Director Scott Colvin reporting the findings of a recent operations review.

The review of the Fayette County Correctional facility and strategy was conducted by the National Institute of Corrections and took place in June of 2022 at the request of the division.

The Technical Assistance Report was finalized last August and identified several areas for improvement including:

  • Staffing - Inadequate staffing with poor retention rate highlighted a need for new recruitment and staff cultural practices

  • Use of Force - The report recommended building a Use of Force Review Board to review inmate discipline and use of force

  • Confinement Conditions - The report recommended making improvements to the current conditions of confinement through opening additional cell units as staffing grows

Community Corrections notes several plans to address many of the concerns in the report. You can view the entire presentation here.

The SSPS Committee met on Tuesday, March 14th at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can watch the recording on LexTV.

The presentation was from Division of Community Corrections Director Scott Colvin. Council was very grateful and supportive of these changes and improvements to the detention center and looks forward to seeing many more positive outcomes in the future. No action was taken at this time.


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