Council heard about the designs for Cardinal Run North Park!

In Tuesday’s Work Session, Council heard a presentation on the new Cardinal Run Park North development by Pat Hoagland. 137 acres have been designated for this new park at the intersection of Versailles Road and New Circle Road. The project team heard from hundreds of survey participants and community members in support of this project during the public engagement period last fall. They are expecting to break ground on the park this year, with a grand opening in Spring 2025. You can view the entire presentation here.

Council asked a few questions about traffic concerns on the narrow Parkers Mill Road, which will be the only entrance to the public park — a traffic study will be conducted closer to the opening of the park to determine if there is a need for any potential road expansions, traffic signals, or other safety design measures. They are expected to break ground in 2023 with a grand opening in Spring 2025. No action was taken by Council at this time.

The Urban County Council met on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 3PM in Council Chambers. You can watch the recording on LexTV.


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