LFUCG Compensation Study Update Nov. 29

In November 29th’s Budget, Finance and Economic Development (BFED) Committee, there was be an update on the implementation of the city’s Compensation Study. The Compensation Study was conducted to compare LFUCG’s employee compensation rates to peer cities, and made recommendations to restructure pay-grades, job descriptions and titles, and other employee classifications and benefits. You can review the Compensation Study slides starting on page 92 of this packet.

Many LFUCG employees took issue with the study for a variety of reasons: some employees’ job titles and pay-grade changed, but their actual salary did not increase; other employees were concerned that with reclassifying positions, LFUCG removed paths for career advancement that existed before the Compensation Study was implemented.

This presentation outlined the steps LFUCG has taken to implement the study so far, but also established new processes that would allow employees to request a review of their new classification should they have concerns. There were two action items in this presentation: providing a 3% raise for all Lexington City employees and providing a one-time bonus to all full-time employees to be paid December of this year. Both items were passed by the Committee and will receive a final vote from the full Council in this Tuesday’s Council Meeting.

Some LFUCG employees spoke of this as a good first step, but still do not think this addresses many of the concerns they have regarding the Compensation Study.

The BFED Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, November 29th at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can watch the recording archive of this meeting on LexTV.

Adrian Paul Bryant

Adrian Paul Bryant is CivicLex’s Civic Information Specialist, reporting on City Hall meetings and local issues that affect Lexingtonians every day. Raised in Jackson County, Adrian is a lifelong Kentuckian who is now proud to call Lexington home.


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