Presentations on Public Safety staff trends and Code Enforcement updates

On Tuesday, the Social Services & Public Safety Committee will hear a presentation on recruitment, retention, and retirement activity from Public Safety Commissioner Ken Armstrong. This presentation will address a number of questions that Councilmembers have asked, look at recent staffing and attrition trends, and talk about salary considerations and pay scale for different positions within Public Safety. Council will also discuss the statuses of collective bargaining agreements, as the Correction Officers and Sergeants agreement is expiring at the end of this calendar year.

Also at the SS&PS meeting, the Director of Code Enforcement, Alex Olszowy, will give an update on their scope of work, current staffing, and number of complain cases so far this year. According to their records, Council District 1 is ranked first for the most number of cases and citations since January of 2022.

You can view both full presentations here.

The Social Services & Public Safety Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 1pm in Council Chambers. You can attend in person or watch live on LexTV.


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