Planning Commission to vote on large ZOTA mandated by State Government
This Thursday, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZOTA) that will bring Lexington’s planning and zoning regulations into compliance with House Bill 443 (HB 443).
Council will decide how to approach a zone change for development in Pralltown
This week, Council will decide whether or not grant a public hearing for a zone change that would allow a 210 bedroom student apartment complex to be built on South Limestone near UK’s campus and at the edge of the Pralltown neighborhood.
Planning Commission votes against digital billboards
Last Thursday, the Planning Commission voted to disapprove a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZOTA) that would have allowed for digital billboards to be built in Lexington.
Planning Commission approves new short-term rental regulations
Last Thursday, the Planning Commission approved additional regulations for short-term rentals (STRs) in Lexington.
Council disapproves mobile home park expansion
Last Tuesday, Council voted 10-1 to deny a zone change request that would allow the Suburban Pointe mobile home park to expand onto vacant land adjacent to the St. Martins Village neighborhood.
Zone Change Hearing for proposed Suburban Pointe expansion
Today at 5pm, Council will be holding a Zone Change Public Hearing for a proposed mobile home park located on Price Road.
The proposed development would expand the Suburban Pointe Mobile Home Park onto 421 Price Road, adjacent to St. Martins Village, one of Lexington’s historically Black neighborhoods.
The Urban Growth Master Plan is officially adopted!
Last Thursday, the Planning Commission voted to adopt the Urban Growth Master Plan (UGMP)! This plan sets a vision for how development should look in the expansion areas of the Urban Service Boundary (USB).
Planning Commission disapproves solar panel farm ZOTA
Last Thursday, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to disapprove a zoning ordinance text amendment (ZOTA) that would allow industrial solar farms to be built on agricultural land in Fayette County.
Council Committee advances new digital billboard rules
In last Thursday’s special General Government and Planning Committee meeting, Councilmembers voted to advance new regulations for digital billboards in Lexington. Currently, there are no regulations around digital billboards in Lexington.
Final Comprehensive Plan adopted by Planning Commission!
In the public hearing on Thursday, November 30th, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to adopt the Imagine Lexington 2045: Comprehensive Plan.
UGM ZOTA postponed until next Zoning Hearing
The Planning Commission will hold its next public hearing on December 14, 2023 at 1:30 pm in Council Chambers.
Planning Commission votes on the draft map for the Expansion Area Master Plan
At their October 26th meeting, the Planning Commission voted to heavily revise the Urban Service Boundary expansion map.
Council approves zone change for mixed-use development on Old Richmond Road
On Tuesday, October 17th, the Urban County Council held a public hearing for a zoning map amendment for roughly 11 acres of land located on Old Richmond Road.
Urban Service Boundary lawsuit dismissed, Planning Commission delays vote on expansion map
The lawsuit against the Urban County Council over the USB expansion was dismissed, Council received an update on the expansion process, and Planning Commission delayed a vote on the expansion map.
Comp Plan public hearing rescheduled to November 30th
Public input on the Imagine Lexington 2024: Comprehensive Plan will now be heard on Thursday, November 30th at 1:30pm as part of the Planning Commission Work Session.
Urban Service Boundary: No Changes from Last Week
At this time, no changes have been made regarding the proposed Urban Service Boundary (USB) expansion map.
Planning Commission voted to adopt the ADU ZOTA
The Planning Commission adopted the new version of a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (ZOTA) loosening regulations on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).
Urban Service Boundary: Last week’s court hearing and big decisions coming up this week for the USB Expansion
On Thursday, October 5th, the Fayette County Circuit Court had its first hearing of the lawsuit against the Urban County Council over the Urban Service Boundary (USB) expansion.
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft USB expansion map
On Thursday, September 28th, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to gather additional feedback about the proposed Urban Service Boundary expansion map recommended by the Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee.