RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 4

Last Wednesday, the Redistrict Lexington Committee held its fourth meeting in the Phoenix Building's 3-rd floor conference room. The Committee members broke into two working groups focused on the Iterative 1 and Iterative 2 plans.

Neither plan differs too much from the current district map. The main things to remember about these two options are their starting points: Iterative 1 bases changes on projected 2030 population numbers, while Iterative 2 does so with the most recent 2020 numbers. Iterative 1 also moves more precincts than Iterative 2.

Here's what each group discussed:

Group 1 (Iterative 2)

  • Tried to connect the split Stonewall Community in District 9, but found that it wasn't possible.

  • Suggested that District 11 expand toward Meadowthorpe and Leestown Rd. to keep businesses together and give the 11th a chance to absorb the Distillery District expansions.

  • Suggested that districts with low growth projections be assigned population counts at the higher end of the guideline.

  • Mostly ready to present to the public

Group 2 (Iterative 1)

  • Moved Stonewall into District 9, along with Wellington Gardens

  • Moved two precincts from District 11 to District 10, and two from District 2 to District 11.

  • Found it difficult to keep population numbers within guidelines for District 4 and 9 beacuse they couldn't draw from District 12; had a similar issue with the boundary between Districts 11 and 13.

  • Close, but not quite ready for public input

At their next meeting, on October 6th, they'll be combining both group's work into a single draft plan.


RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 5


District 11