RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 5

After two hours of discussion last Wednesday morning, the Redistricting Lexington committee reached a consensus for a working draft map that combines the Iterative 1 and Iterative 2 plans. For a reminder, Iterative 1 is based on 2030 predicted population numbers, while Iterative 2 is based on current 2020 Census data.

Over the last few meetings, the Committee found that District 4 had too many people and Districts 10 and 11 too few. To equalize populations, they shifted precincts in a chain from District 4 to 3; then some precincts from D3 to 10; and finally some D10 precincts to District 11.

Here's what that means:

  • District 3 extends to New Circle Road with the Shady Lane, Shadeland, Zandale, Glendover, Lansdowne, Brookhaven, Leawood, Malabu precincts

  • District 10 picks up the Imperial, Picadome, Lafayette, Goodrich, Pershing, Garden Spring, and The Colony precincts

  • District 11 gains the Meadowthorpe, Enterprise, Barker, West Main, and Triangle Park precincts.

The combined working draft has an optimal population per district of 26,881. The map moves a total of 47 precincts, which means that 49,874 people will end up in a different district once the map is finalized on October 27th.

Visit the city's Redistricting Lexington page to explore the current districts and all of the proposed precinct changes here.


District 5


RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 4