Updates Richard Young Updates Richard Young

RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 5

After two hours of discussion last Wednesday morning, the Redistricting Lexington committee reached a consensus for a working draft map that combines the Iterative 1 and Iterative 2 plans. For a reminder, Iterative 1 is based on 2030 predicted population numbers, while Iterative 2 is based on current 2020 Census data.

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Updates Richard Young Updates Richard Young

RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 4

Last Wednesday, the Redistrict Lexington Committee held its fourth meeting in the Phoenix Building's 3-rd floor conference room. The Committee members broke into two working groups focused on the Iterative 1 and Iterative 2 plans.

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Updates Richard Young Updates Richard Young

RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 3

The Redistricting Committee met on September 15, 2021, in the Phoenix Building on Vine Street. The meeting was broken into two major parts:

  1. A full committee discussion about potential scenarios for district shapes

  2. Work groups focused on these scenarios

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Updates Richard Young Updates Richard Young

RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 2

The Redistricting Lexington Committee (RLC) held its second meeting on Wednesday, September 1st, in the Phoenix Building’s 3rd floor conference room. This meeting again lasted for two hours, with some new demographic information presented, along with discussion about the guidelines and timeline. 

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Updates Richard Young Updates Richard Young

RL Committee Meeting Summary: Meeting 1

The Redistricting Lexington Committee (RLC) met together for the first time on August 25th in the government center. The meeting was 2 hours long and covered a lot of ground, including:

  • Basic guidelines for redistricting

  • A presentation from GIS staff

  • A presentation from the Planning Department

  • A presentation from the County Clerk’s office

  • Discussion of how the committee would like to include public input (something CivicLex is very interested in!)

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Updates Richard Young Updates Richard Young

Who is on Lexington’s Redistricting Commission?

After Census results are released each decade, the Vice Mayor’s Office begins the local redistricting process by asking each council member to pick a resident from their district to represent their constituents. This group of residents works with the city’s mapping department to draw new district boundaries.

The following residents were appointed by their Council Members for the 2021 Redistricting Process…

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