ARPA Annual Update

In the August 23 Council Work Session, ARPA Project Manager Jennifer Wuorenmaa will present an annual update on how LFUCG has used its American Rescue Plan Act funds. As a reminder, LFUCG received $121,178,058 from the Federal Government in two tranches over the past two years through City and County Allocations. You can read more about it on our ARPA page.

  • There is $1,376,778 left in unallocated ARPA funds.

  • As of July 31, 2022, 7 of the ARPA-funded projects have not been started, 39 of the ARPA-funded projects have completed less than 50%, 7 of the ARPA-funded projects have completed more than 50%, and 15 of the ARPA-funded projects are completed or nearly completed.

Look at the chart below to see Lexington's ARPA expenditures categorized by the Federal guidelines.

  • Upcoming and ongoing efforts for ARPA include continuing dialogue with external partners with outstanding agreements, tracking the ARPA administrative budget, and monitoring progress reports.

To see the entire presentation, start on page 17 of this agenda. This meeting is also open to the public at the Council Work Session on Tuesday, August 23 at 3pm in Council Chambers or via Livestream.

Update: August 26, 2022

No decisions were made after this presentation. Head to the previous newsletter to read a summary of the presentation.

Additionally, after the ARPA presentation, the Council discussed ARPA-funded grants to nonprofit organizations for Capital and Programmatic expenditures. The recommended organizations for these grants can be found on Page 22 of this week's Council Work Session packet.

Adrian Paul Bryant

Adrian Paul Bryant is CivicLex’s Civic Information Specialist, reporting on City Hall meetings and local issues that affect Lexingtonians every day. Raised in Jackson County, Adrian is a lifelong Kentuckian who is now proud to call Lexington home.


Goal 4 Workgroup August 23 Meeting


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