Composting, sustainability programs, and KU’s undergrounding efforts

At the Environmental Quality & Public Works Committee meeting, Councilmembers heard three very interesting presentations on different city initiatives. You can look through all presentations here.

  • First, Council heard an update on the Home Composting Program from Angela Poe, the Public Information and Engagement Section Manager. The Home Composting Program promotes responsible waste disposal through education and assistance with at-home composting. This presentation will outline the program’s goals, achievements, and challenges.

  • Next, Jada Griggs, LFUCG’s Sustainability Section Manager, presented on an array of different sustainability initiatives happening around the city. Presentation topics include Empower Lexington, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, LEED for Cities, and Solarize Lexington.

  • Finally, a representative from KU, Chris Mayes, talked to Council about their process and challenges of undergrounding Lexington’s existing electric facilities. This presentation reviewed some of the more severe weather damages Kentucky has seen recently, and highlight the key differences between overhead (OH) and underground (UG) infrastructure, including costs, processes, and time needed to bury power lines.


The composting and sustainability presentations raised a lot of questions about program capacities and growing pains, along with equity questions and ensuring that these programs are serving the entire Lexington community. KU’s presentation was informative and addressed the cost and labor challenges associated with the task of changing the existing infrastructure. You can view all the presentations here. No action was taken at this meeting.

The Environmental Quality & Public Works Committee met on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 1:00 PM in Council Chambers. You can watch the recording on LexTV.


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