The discussion continues on the future of growth in Lexington!

Thursday, February 16th, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the 2045 Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives. After several hours of discussion, they adjourned with the intention to continue the hearing on Thursday, February 23rd, at the end of their Zoning Subcommittee Meeting.

General sentiments from the public included concerns about racial justice and equity, the desire for more ambitious environmental benchmarks and goal tracking, and confusion around the Urban Service Area Growth Management Plan.

The Commission requested that the Planning staff make changes to the Goals and Objectives based on feedback from the commission members and members of the public who came to give public comment.

The Division of Planning will likely present these new changes to the Commission at their Thursday meeting. At that time, the Planning Commission may vote on whether or not to move forward with recommending the Goals and Objectives to the Urban County Council.

For a refresher on the next steps of this process, check out our previous coverage of this topic on our website.

The Public Hearing continued at the end of the Zoning Subcommittee Meeting starting on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 1:30pm in Council Chambers. You can watch in-person or live on LexTV.

For updates and next steps, click here!


Council heard an update on Flock Cameras


The Public Input Subcommittee meeting!