Jillian Riseman Jillian Riseman

Council moves to expand Urban Service Boundary

At the final Committee of the Whole (COW) on the “Imagine Lexington 2045” Comprehensive Plan Goals & Objectives, Council voted to expand the Urban Service Boundary (USB), which restricts development of Fayette County’s rural land.

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Jillian Riseman Jillian Riseman

Budget Season Continues!

Now that a draft budget has been proposed, City Council will meet in a Committee of the Whole (COW) this week to talk about the Mayor’s proposal. They will hear a presentation on the City’s finances from Commissioner of Finance Erin Hensley, as well as an ARPA update from Project Manager Jenifer Wuorenmaa. Councilmembers will then have an opportunity to review the Mayor’s proposal with Commissioner Hensley.

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Jillian Riseman Jillian Riseman

Second Committee of the Whole on the Comprehensive Plan

City Council will meet again on Wednesday, April 26th at 10am to continue their discussion of the “Imaging Lexington 2045” Comprehensive Plan Goals & Objectives. They will meet two more times before they vote to adopt these goals for the city. All Committee of the Whole meetings take place in Council's regular chambers at 200 East Main Street.

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