Build your own CivicLex
How can I build an organization like CivicLex in my community?
We get asked all the time if we plan to grow CivicLex beyond Lexington - and the answer is no. Instead, we want to help you do it!
Each year, we receive dozens of requests for information about how communities can build their own version of CivicLex. So, we have built a "Build Your Own” handbook and a process to help communities learn from our successes and failures.
What all is included in the handbook and process?
CivicLex’s Build Your Own handbook and process covers everything from the theory behind our work, to how to build an effective board, to how to cover city hall, to how to build programs that help your community understand how your local government works.
All of this can include:
A 6-unit handbook that covers the context of our work, understanding your local civic context, planning and building your organization, implementing and evaluating work, and how to grow and scale effectively.
A civic field scan to help you get a sense of your community’s civic landscape and if a civic health organization like CivicLex is necessary.
A 7-course Technical Assistance process with CivicLex staff to provide insights on how to implement handbook items, run our workshops, and more.
Work with us
Our handbook will be available soon. If you are interested in learning more or getting on the wait list, submit an inquiry using the form below!