Humane Pet Sales Ordinance Moves Forward After Lengthy Debates
An amended version of the Humane Pet Sales Ordinance was passed out of Council Work Session.
What is in the Mayor’s Proposed Budget this year?
Here is a quick snapshot of what is in the Mayor’s Proposed Budget!
Budget links have concluded!
Last week was the final week of Council’s budget Link meetings! Links will submit their recommendations to the full Council this Wednesday, May 15th. The Council will reconvene for a Budget Committee of the Whole Meeting to discuss and vote on the recommendations on May 28th at 10am in Council Chambers.
Council Approves Lextran Budget, $75k for Microtransit Study
In Tuesday’s Council Work Session, Lextran General Manager Fred Combs will present Lextran’s budget for Fiscal Year 2025. Council must vote every fiscal year to approve Lextran’s budget.
Substance Abuse Intervention Programming Update
In Tuesday’s Social Services and Public Safety Committee, Substance Use Disorder Intervention Coordinator Carmen Combs Mark will present an update on the substance abuse intervention work in Lexington.
New Crime Victim Paid Leave Policy Passes Out of Committee
In Tuesday’s Social Services and Public Safety Committee meeting, Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention Program Coordinator Stephanie Theakston will present a new Crime Victim Paid Leave policy for LFUCG employees.
Share Your Thoughts on the Budget This Week!
This Thursday, Council will hold a public hearing on the Mayor’s Proposed Budget! This will be your first opportunity to give public comment specifically for the budget.
Urban Growth Master Plan Update in Committee
In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, the Division of Planning will present an update on the Urban Growth Master Plan, which will outline a vision for the recommended expansion areas of the Urban Service Boundary (USB).
Large Zoning Reform Package Passes out of Committee
In this Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee Meeting, Councilmembers will discuss the Urban Growth Management Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (UGM ZOTA).
Final Vote for CivicLex’s Contract to Review LFUCG Boards and Commissions
This Thursday, Council will take their second vote on CivicLex’s contract to review the city’s Boards and Commissions.
Rural Short-term Rental Recommendations Returns to Committee
In Tuesday’s General Government and Planning (GGP) Committee, Purchase of Development Rights Director Beth Overman will present recommendations on regulating short-term rentals (STR) in the Rural Service Area (RSA) — this is the area of Fayette County located outside the Urban Service Boundary (USB).
FUSUS Grant to Get Final Vote
This Thursday, Council will take their final vote to approve a $10,000 grant for downtown businesses to integrate their security camera footage with the Lexington Police Department’s FUSUS system.
Council Continues Work on City Budget
Three Budget Links have met so far. Two more still have meetings before all Link recommendations are due to the full Council.
Council Approves Five-Year Lease Extension for Flock Cameras
Last Thursday, Council voted to approve a five-year lease extension for the 100 Flock license plate reader cameras operated by the Lexington Police Department. District 1 Councilmember Tayna Fogle was the only vote against the lease extension.
Lexington voters will see Parks Sustainable Funding on ballot
Last Thursday, Council unanimously voted to place the Parks Sustainable Funding ballot initiative on the November general election ballot.
Council Committee to Review Urban Services Fund
In Tuesday’s Environmental Quality and Public Works (EQPW) Committee, Commissioner of Finance Erin Hensley will give an overview of the Urban Services Fund.
Updates on Street Trees Programs and Ordinance Changes
In Tuesday’s EQPW Committee meeting, Urban Forestry Manager Heather Wilson will present an update on street tree programs in Lexington, and proposed ordinance changes relating to street trees.
Council Begins Work on LFUCG Budget
Budget Season officially kicked off last week with Mayor Linda Gorton’s Budget Address! Council will begin working on the Proposed Budget as soon as Monday morning.
CivicLex’s Contract to Review Boards and Commissions up for Vote
Earlier this year, LFUCG released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to conduct an evaluation of LFUCG’s 69 Boards and Commissions, including their membership, structure, diversity, vacancy rates, appointment process, and more. CivicLex, in partnership with CivStart, a national nonprofit focused on local government technology, submitted a response to the RFP and were eventually selected for the project!
Flock Camera Lease Extension to Get Final Vote
In Thursday’s Council Meeting, Council will have their final vote to approve a five-year lease extension for the 100 Flock license plate reader cameras currently operated by the Lexington Police Department.