Committee seeks to implement recommendations from the 2022 Disparity Study
At September 19th’s General Government & Planning Committee meeting, Councilmembers heard a presentation recapping the results of the 2022 Disparity Study, which evaluated racial disparities in LFUCG’s contracting process.
Short-Term Rental regulations in Rural Fayette County
The Rural Land Management Board (RLMB) is moving forward on drafting its own recommended language for how ADUs and short-term rentals (STRs) will be regulated outside of the Urban Service Area.
Urban Service Boundary Draft Expansion Map Released
At September 19th’s meeting, the Urban Growth Management (UGM) Advisory Committee finalized a draft Urban Service Boundary expansion map based on what they heard from the community at their public input session.
The Urban Growth Management Plan Advisory Committee heard public input about proposed expansion
This week, the Committee will meet to discuss the information that they received from the public.
The Division of Planning Proposes Changes to the ADU Ordinance
Autumn Goderwis and Chris Taylor of the Division of Planning will present the annual Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Update.
Council continues discussion of Council Rules and Procedures
The Council Rules and Procedures Subcommittee will give another presentation to the GGP Committee this Tuesday.
GGP Begins Work on the 2022 Disparity Study’s Findings
Council will discuss the results of 2022’s Disparity Study.
Urban Service Boundary: Share Your Thoughts on Possible Expansion Areas
At September 5th’s Urban Growth Management Plan Advisory Committee meeting, members voted on which potential expansion areas to present to the public at a Public Input session this Tuesday, September 12th at 6pm in Council Chambers.
EQPW hears stormwater and road closure updates
The Environmental Quality & Public Works Committee will meet to hear updates on current stormwater projects and the process LFUCG uses to communicate road closures.
Comprehensive Plan: Planning Staff presents changes to land use policy
In Planning Commission Work Session, Senior Long Range Planner Hal Baillie presented a comprehensive list of changes to land use policy called the Urban Growth Management Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment.
Urban Service Boundary: Committee continues making Draft Expansion Map
At the August 29th Urban Growth Management Plan Advisory Committee meeting, Director of Planning Jim Duncan presented on the seven prioritized areas to expand the Urban Service Boundary discussed at the August 22nd meeting.
Comprehensive Plan: Major Public Input Session This Week
The City’s Division of Planning is hosting a public input session this week on the Imagine Lexington 2045 Comprehensive Plan’s implementation policies.
Police Technology: City launches Fusus platform
The Lexington Police Department has officially begun utilizing the new Fusus platform in their Real-Time Intelligence Center.
Urban Service Boundary Expansion Planning Continues
At last week’s Urban Growth Management Plan Advisory Committee meeting, Planning Staff presented the group with 15 sections of land in the Rural Service Area (RSA) to be considered for expansion of the Urban Service Boundary (USB).
The BFED Committee hears updates on the FY 24 Budget and Coldstream Business Park
Council’s Budget, Finance, and Economic Development (BFED) Committee will meet to hear the monthly financial update on the City’s budget and an update about Coldstream Park.
Planning Commission will hear update on recent Urban Service Boundary work
The Planning Commission will meet to hear an update from Planning Staff on the work of the Urban Growth Management Plan Advisory Committee.
Community members meet with Councilmember Reynolds to address gun violence
The Gun Violence Task Force’s Community Pillar held its first meeting last week with much of the same goals as the LFUCG pillar, which met on Thursday, August 17th.
Public Comment Changes & New Public Input Resources
The Public Input Subcommittee reported on their work to the General Government & Planning Committee.
Re-examining Lexington’s Noise Ordinance
The Social Services & Public Safety meeting will hear a presentation from 3rd District Legislative Aide Hannah Eiden on Lexington’s current Noise Ordinance and its enforcement.
Progress report on the American Rescue Plan Act Spending
In Work Session, ARPA Project Manager Jenifer Wuorenmaa will give the annual update on the American Rescue Plan Act Funding.